About The Committee

The Old City Cemetery Committee was organized in 1986 by a group of concerned citizens who were appalled by the ravages of vandalism that toppled and maliciously marred many of the City Cemetery's beautiful old stones and monuments. Disquieted by the years of obvious neglect and mistreatment, they decided to become a voice of concern over the future of this important community resource.
In 1987, the group became a standing committee of the Sacramento County Historical Society. In January of 2003, a new independent nonprofit support group was formed as the Old City Cemetery Committee, Inc. and has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as an IRC 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation, Tax ID# 06-1674455. The new organization continues its dedication to the restoration, beautification, and preservation of this historic burial ground.
With growing public interest for the cemetery, maintenance was improved primarily due to the efforts of many dedicated volunteers, City Staff and Sacramento County Sheriff's Department and its Work Release Project Program. The preservation of this historic landmark is becoming a community concern.
As the Old City Cemetery Committee, Inc., sets itsĀ goalsĀ and objectives for the coming years, we are aware of new community priorities, diminishing budgets and the increasing need to preserve our historical focus. Within the last decade, we began a focused effort toward community education, preservation, restoration and beautification of the cemetery and its artifacts. We continue to building our vision for the coming decades. We continue to work with the City of Sacramento and others to accomplish these goals.
Board Members
SalliAnne Maliguine - President
Carolyn Fuqua-Scott - Secretary
Patti Boundy - Treasurer
Connie Bettencourt - Director
Eric Bradner - Director
Allison Buchholtz - Director
Dave Dolliver - Director
Jim Guida - Director
Judy Rodriguez - Director